Ideal for cycling, hiking, travel, and other activities
Compact bag with strap for easy carrying
Contains essential items for administering first aid:
Wound dressings (2 sets), 10 cm x 10 cm (sterile)
1 roll of bandage DIN 13 151-M
2 fixation bandages DIN 61634-FB 6, 4 m x 6 cm
1 roll of adhesive tape, 5 m x 1.25 cm, in pouch
2 pairs of disposable vinyl gloves
3 cleansing wipes for cleaning unbroken skin
2 wound dressings, 10 cm x 6 cm, in pouch
5 adhesive plasters, 1.90 cm x 7.20 cm
5 children's adhesive plasters, 1.90 cm x 7.20 cm
1 finger plaster, 4.40 cm x 7.60 cm
4 hydrocolloid blister plasters, 1.90 cm x 7.20 cm
2 hydrocolloid blister plasters, 4.40 cm x 6.90 cm
1 finger plaster, 2 x 12 cm
1 sterile plaster, 5.0 cm x 7.6 cm
2 PU waterproof plasters, 5.0 cm x 7.6 cm
2 safety pins
1 small scissors
First aid manual